First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Virginia

  Welcome First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Virginia We’re glad to be part of the Springfield community, with many […]

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Virginia

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First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Virginia

We’re glad to be part of the Springfield community, with many activities to support our local area’s spiritual needs. We warmly invite you to join us and know that you will feel at home with our church family.

Sunday Services – 10:30am

We hold Sunday Services at the same time each week. The core of the service is the reading of the weekly Bible lesson-sermon (see the sidebar in blue), which consists of verses from the Holy Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.  For over 100 years, the spiritual truths of these lesson-sermons have healed, regenerated, and supported those who have heard and studied them.

If you are unable to join us in person, we invite you to listen to the service broadcasted by The Mother Church in Boston — beginning at 10am — by clicking on

Wednesday Testimony Meetings – 7:30pm

In addition to the Sunday services, we join together each Wednesday evening to listen to readings and share experiences of God’s healing work in our lives. Come and be uplifted!

New for 2024 — Here is the Zoom link to the audio for the Wednesday meetings:

Meeting ID: 564 622 6088

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Sunday School – 10:30am

Children and teenagers up to the age of 20 are welcome to visit or enroll in our Sunday School at any time throughout the year. Pupils are taught from the Holy Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Students are taught the Scriptures. The first lessons include The Ten Commandments, The Sermon on the Mount, The Lord’s Prayer, and its spiritual interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy. The next lessons consist of questions and answers derived from the Christian Science Quarterly weekly lesson, which is read in the church service.

We also offer virtual Sunday School classes via ZOOM for students who cannot attend Sunday School in person at 10:30 am – or at times convenient for them.  Please contact our Clerk if you are interested in scheduling virtual Sunday School for your student.

Reading Room: bookstore/library

We offer a public Reading Room where authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed, or purchased. The Reading Room features The Christian Science Monitor— an international weekly news-magazine, along with the Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, the Herald of Christian Science and other magazines.

The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures may be purchased in English, Spanish, and several other languages. It is available in hard cover, paperback, and a spiral bound study edition.

Our Reading Room is open on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm (before the Testimony Meetings), on Saturdays from 11am to 1pm, and by appointment by emailing the Clerk at

Bible Lesson-Sermons

26 Jan: “Truth”

2 Feb: “Love”

9 Feb: “Spirit”

16 Feb: “Soul”

23 Feb: “Mind”

Additional Information and Events for the Public

Listen to an audio replay of our recent 2 Nov. lecture by Janet Hegarty on “How to Make Change for the Better” by clicking on here.

Information and Events for Branch Church Members

None at this time.